Karwowski, Kann & Tidemann + Nordahl

17 Des 2022






Design by Henrik Nordahl

Karwoski, Kann & Tidemann + Nordahl (KKT) is an audio-visual quartet from Oslo, Norway, offering thought-provoking and immersive concert experiences. By combining guitar, vocals, live electronics, and projected visual art, the band creates thought-provoking and immersive concert experiences.

August Kann - Vocals
Henrik Nordahl - Visual art and Design
Fredrik Karwowski - Guitar
Aleksander Tidemann - Live Electronics

The performances consist of meditative, improvised audio-visual soundscapes, often in series. The visual component of the performances is always live and new, inspired by a 70s psychedelic aesthetic combined with modern technology.

Since 2015, KKT has played many concerts in the Oslo region, including at The Norwegian Architect Days, Chateau Neuf, The Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO), and Medicine Heads studios. With us, we have also been fortunate to feature a range of eminent guest artists, such as Håkon AAse (Mathias Eick, Odd Norstoga), and Kjetil Husebø on Piano Transformed (NXN Records).

Check us out on Facebook and Vimeo.

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